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Customer Reviews

Bear brows alter ego!
The best product for my stubborn eyebrows. I swear by this product the only brow balm that keeps my eyebrows up all day and all night!!!

I usually use the original bear brows as it is the ONLY product that actually makes my brows even remotely come close to sticking! So of course I was excited to try this and it has absolutely BLOWN the original out of the water. My eyebrows stay FLAT to my forehead until in no longer want them to be, whether it’s 3 hours or 3 days!!! No residue at all, no white cast, no texture left over in brow hairs.. This stuff is INSANE, and £7.50 on sale? I paid the £15 and it was worth double that even, believe me! This product makes all these other TikTok brands and competitors look silly.

I love the original eyebrow balm, but this one is amazing!!!